Reborn HUD Manual

Your Reborn body is BOM by default and can wear BOM layers and BOM alphas right out of the box.  Please remove your full body alpha.  BOM or system alpha will work to hide parts of your body with clothing, but a full body alpha will hide the whole body.  Reborn does not accept omega or applier skins and layers. 

First use REBORN.


Wear the body and HUD from your body folder in inventory. The HUD is shown by default at the top left of your screen. Clicking the HUD button with the left mouse button will display the BODY HUD so you can use and enjoy its many features!


Reset Body:

This button resets all settings on the body page, nails page, and alpha page of the hud to default settings.

Mesh Nipples:

Switch between 5 different nipples sizes.

Mesh BOM Parts: 

When you are using BOM appliers you can turn on mesh parts and use the sliders to make your bom layers appear to drape more naturally on the body (Like a clothing layer instead of like a tattoo layer).

 Neck Size:   

Choose between 8 different neck sizes.  If you have problems matching your neck join, try a size close to your body fat value in your shape.


This section will add shine to your skin.  Materials button must be selected to use the sliders.  Materials may not work properly if your graphics are set too low or your graphics card cannot show them properly.  Materials and hardware skinning must be turned on in preferences.  Reset button will reset only materials.

Gloss - Left minimum gloss, right maximum gloss.

Intensity - Left minimum intensity, right maximum intensity.

Environment - Left minimum environmental light refection, right maximum environmental light reflection.

Palet Color: 

Select a color to change your skin tone, or the shine color, or both, and then change the intensity of the color with the black and white luminosity slider on the right.  Shine will be more noticeable closer to the white end of the slider.

Reset - resets the selected color to white. 

Red, Green, Blue - RGB values, jump 1 or 10. (0 to 255)

Tone, Sat, Lum - Tone, saturation, luminosity, jump 1 or 10. (0 to 100)




Chose from 21 hand poses or change hand pose randomly.  Leave animations turned off if you are using another bento  animation.

Select from 5 different foot poses.  Select left or right to change pose on only one foot.

Ankle lock on or off.  Ankle lock will stop poses and animations from bending your ankles at strange angles.

Animations on or off.  All animations hands will stop.




Choose from 5 different nail lengths and styles or remove nails to use 3rd party nails.

Turn materials on or off or reset materials for finger nails.  Works the same as materials on body page.

Choose from 26 nail textures.


Choose nails on or remove nails to use 3rd party nails.

Turn materials on or off for toe nails.  Works the same as materials on the body page.

Choose from 26 nail textures.

Select left or right to change nail settings on only one hand.


Sometimes you will find that parts of your body show through your clothing.  With alphas you can improve the fit.  Click the alpha part you want to hide and the hidden area of the body will be marked on the hud.  Click the part again to unhide.  DOUBLE CLICK will alpha larger sections.

Select left or right to alpha only one foot.

Reset - This will unhide all areas of the body.